Are you considering relocating to the United States? The EB-5 investment visa, a U.S. government program operating since 1990 and often referred to as the U.S. Golden Visa, might be the perfect option for you. Here are answers to 10 fundamental questions to help you determine if the EB-5 visa is right for you.

The EB-5 Visa: 10 Basic Questions & Answers 

1. What benefits does the EB-5 visa provide?

The EB-5 visa leads you to a Green Card, allowing you to live, work, and retire in the U.S. It also offers a clear pathway to U.S. citizenship.

2. How much money is required to obtain an EB-5 visa?

The investment amount starts at $800,000. Typically, you can expect to get back your full investment within 5-7 years. Additional non-refundable costs, including immigration attorney fees, project fees, and government fees, can range from $150,000 to $200,000.

EB-5 Visa cost

Full investment and expenses breakdown

3. What are the main requirements for the EB-5 program?

You must invest your funds in a new U.S. business that will create at least 10 full-time jobs for American workers.

4. Do I need to start up and manage a company to create these jobs?

While you can choose to start up and manage your own company, over 96% of EB-5 participants in 2023 opted for investment in special EB-5 projects offered by Regional Centers. These centers manage the investment, allowing for a more passive investment approach.

5. Which nationalities are eligible to participate in the EB-5 program?

The EB-5 program is open to all nationalities.

6. Can my family members apply with me?

Yes, one EB-5 application covers the main investor and their immediate family members, including a spouse and unmarried children under 21.

7. What are the requirements for the EB-5 applicant?

Applicants must have no criminal record and must demonstrate a lawful source of funds, showing how the money was earned and where it was kept until the investment. There are no requirements regarding language proficiency, education, or work experience.

8. How long does it take to get a Green Card through the EB-5 visa program?

The process has two steps: obtaining a Conditional Green Card, which takes approximately 1-3 years, and then securing a Permanent Green Card, which can take an additional 4-5 years after receiving the Conditional Green Card.

However, you can move to the U.S. faster if you have an open U.S. visa and apply for a change of status along with your initial EB-5 application.

EB-5 Program

Full overview of the EB-5 Program

9. Do I need to reside in the U.S. after receiving my Green Card?

Yes, you should ideally reside in the U.S. for more than six months each year. Additionally, you will be required to pay taxes on your worldwide income in the U.S.

10. Can my child apply for the EB-5 visa independently?

Yes, your child, often a student in the U.S., can apply for the EB-5 visa independently. Parents can gift the necessary funds to the child, who can then proceed with the investment.

By understanding these key aspects, you can make an informed decision about whether the EB-5 visa aligns with your immigration goals.